Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hectic Life

So things have been pretty crazy around here with the addition of a new munchkin. I have made some progress in my jewelry making but not a ton. I have a website now but it's not completely finished. I have made 3-4 pieces of jewelry but I should be doing more. It's just been a massive change having two children instead of one. And things are only going to get more crazy. Tristan is rolling over now so he is starting to get mobile. YIKES!
Riley isn't napping at school and is being disruptive to the other kids. I don't know why she is acting like that. The only thing I can think is that they are letting her get away with it. She is pretty good here at home for the most part. And when she does misbehave, she gets in trouble. The only time she doesn't listen is when she doesn't think you are being serious or that you will follow through on punishment. I don't know what to tell them other than to make sure she knows you are being serious!

Dexter and I started p90x Tuesday and I am soooo sore. I feel like I have jelly legs some of the time and just want to lay in bed all day. But that's counterproductive! Right now, Tristan and I are cuddling in the bed while Dex takes Riley to therapy. I was going to go but I decided to be a lazy butt and stay home. I love that he lets me take time out and relax! He's so good to me and I can't believe we've been married for almost 4 years! I am also in shock that we have 2 kids. It's been 4 months, but it's still so shocking to me to think about the fact that I am a mom of 2. It feels like just yesterday that it was Riley being born. I am so sad that she is this big already! I'm trying to enjoy Tristan as a baby as much as possible. It very well may be the last time I get to experience that. Just typing that makes me sad, but I am not sure I want to go through pregnancy and having a baby with 2 other kids to look after. It's why I got an IUD (Mirena). I want the option to have a kid later without having to worry about daily pills or getting shots. I can have worry-free birthcontrol for 5 years. or if we decide to have another, I can take it out sooner. So far I LOVE IT! Haven't had a period since August and it's great.

Well, Tristan is getting fussy and it's time for him to eat and take his morning nap. I think I will join him in nap time!

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