Thursday, November 18, 2010

Strep Throat!

So I have strep throat. Went to the doctor yesterday with a sore throat and a headache and no voice. My throat wasn't TOO bad, but since I've got the little ones, I figured I'd better get it checked out. I fully expected the doctor to come in and tell me that I didn't have strep and to go back to work, lol. But it was positive and I started antibotics. I can't hold the babies until tomorrow just to be safe, but I want to soooo badly! I miss my little hugs, kisses, and cuddles. I've pretty much been in bed since I got back from the doctor, but I have to get up in a little while and get dressed to go to the WIC office to take Tristan. I know what you are thinking - "BUT you are contaigous!" That is true, however, since I made the appt I have to be the one to take T to it. And I waited 2 and a half MONTHS for this appt. If I reschedule, I'll probably have to wait another couple of months. So I'm going. But Dex is going with me, I'm still not touching T. I wouldn't be so insistent on it, but I stopped breastfeeding when T turned 5 months old. I didn't realize how much it was stressing me out until I stopped. And, since T has been on formula, he sleeps through the night. Now, I still believe that breastmilk is the best thing for a baby, but mommy also needs to be happy. And I wasn't anymore. So I'm done. However, formula is freaking expensive! So I need WIC.

Other good news - Riley got approved for disability. So she now has Medicaid. I am so relieved. Now I don't have to stress about her physical and occupation therapy bills and all of her specialists visits. This has definitely been a great blessing. Not sure how much money we will be getting yet, but the biggest thing I wanted was the insurance. Our insurance isn't the worst in the world, but this is much better!